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Be back soon with more updates ------------> I PROMISE!
Hello everyone! Have you missed me ..... LOL!
My poor little blog, I've sooooo busy I haven't had a chance to update you!
Ok, so what have we been up to since I last post....??
I had a birthday! On February 26th....I'm now 26 years young. Happy birthday to me :) I celebrated this by doing nothing. Yes, thats right - nothing. Come to think of it I was a crook as a dog on my birthday and bearly wanted to get out of bed let alone celebrate. Also Brett was away working.
Also in February Anna celebrated a mile stone - she can now sit, all by herself! Nothing else going on with her. She is in great health now and we have had no problems. She smiles, laughs, gets excited to see me. Anna loves her food, she will eat anything, anywhere, anytime. In fact she can be quite the pig. But its all good, considering she was so small at birth I'm happy with her last weigh-in off 7.4kg.
Zachary is still as cute as ever. He is now 8.4kgs and nearly crawling. Although he is not sitting yet. Just not really interested, he much prefers to stand. Zach now has 3 teeth and one more cutting through now. Its amazing how different they are, its just so hard to keep up with them ... LOL
Some great news is that Zach and Anna are 10 months and 1 week old and we are still breastfeeding! I'm soooo happy. They have now out done both Ashlee and Mitchell at 8 months. I'm hoping that they will continue for some time yet, I love feeding them.What else is going on ... ??? On March 29th my brother Daniel married the woman of his dreams. I say this because he has been chasing her for at least 10 years and finally they are together. I'm really happy to now have Melissa as my sister-in-law and really look forward to the day they give us some little neices and nephews! Ashlee was junior bridesmaid for their wedding and she looked stunning (will be adding a pic at the end of this post). I just looked at her and forgot that she was only 10 years old! Quick - buy the shot gun! LOL.
Mitchell is really turning into a little boy, no longer my baby :( He is so active and full on. On days like today when it is cold, wet and windy outside he just drives me insane but I love him to death and love watching him learn new things everyday. Currently he insists on doing everything himself. He can get his own cordial and make sandwiches. He loves to help you take washing out to hang up and he loves to help sweep and vacuum. Lets just hope that this continues for years to come.
There is probably so much more I could write but I better cut this post short unfortunately. Its getting late and I need to get a few things done before I head to bed. Washing, ironing, folding clothes, putting away toys etc etc it never endeds. But would I have it any other way ..... ?? I think not!
Lastly, just a shot of my 4 beautiful children.....not a great one causes its so hard to get them all together at the same time but sweet.
Ok maybe two...