Wednesday March 18th, 11:52am
I started this post the other day and as it says, I just didn't feel like posting at the time. I was sad. Sad because we had just gotten back from our appointment in Sydney with Dr Lowe who told us that in Zachary's future he doesn't see him walk on his own with out the aid of a walker. Why my son, why my little boy?? He is such a happy little man, he doesn't let anything get in his way but why should this be in his future? I've had a few days to process it now and I'm feeling a little better, I guess maybe coming to terms with it all. We will hopefully be getting Zachary's Kaye Walker in the next few weeks but it should be by next week. He had a go of a little boys this week at group therapy and just took off. It is what he needs, it is what I need! Dr Lowe was happy with his hips this time and we are not considering Botox at this time but we are looking into AFO's for the future once he is up and about in his walker.
Today is the first day in a long time that I have gotten up and not had to rush off anywhere. I'm still in my PJ's and it feels great. Although the twins have just gone down for a sleep so I'm planning on jumping through a shower and getting into some house work. Fun, I know......
Also Anna has been diagnosed with Exotropia. Not such wonderful news but treatable. Its has pretty much been a terrible week. First Anna's diagnosis then Zach's long term prognosis then yesterday I was getting wood from the wood pile and the whole lot fell on my leg - OUCH - I'm now sporting cuts and some pretty nasty bruises as well as an extremely sore leg all over. Today I was getting a knife out of the drawer and someone put a knife in that was sharp and I cut my finger. That was a few hours ago and it has only now stopped bleeding......
Some good news to end on though....I'm going to be an auntie! I'm soooo excited! Congratulations to my brother Daniel and his wife Melissa, we can't wait to meet this little one!
I have also been involved (addicted to) the current nappy hunt. I do it every year. I've recently gone back to MCN's and I'm yet again a complete addict! Zach and Anna have out grown all the 'sized' nappies I had so they are going up for sale and I am replacing them. As well as the fitted nappies. I'm not keen on covers anymore. Recently I have brought:

These 3 'Whizz Kidz' AIO (one not pictured)
A super cute Woolly Bottoms

As well as these 5 'Daddle Doo' AI2's that I love!
Now I have a pretty decent 'stash' again and have cut down a lot of work by eliminating most of my 'fitteds'. All the nappies I have now will fit until they toilet train and thanks to the nappy hunts discount code I have made some savings too!
Buying nappies has cheered me! Thankfully I'm making back a decent amount of money from the nappies that I am selling. Now just to sort out the covers and get them sold!
Ok enough about that. I best head off and actually do something! Looking forward to getting back into some sewing soon too. I have a few UFO's to get to and some other things I would like to try. I also have some PIF items to attend too - watch out! ( I also want one or two more people so let me know if you are interested!)