Firstly, the lamp will be finished tonight and should be on my blog by tomorrow - just the little bits left to do....How hectic has the last few weeks been?! I'm soooo glad it all over, its so tiring ..... hehehe.
I have had two sick bubs lately so I haven't had a lot of time to get anything done - The desire has been there though! I'm really hoping to get a whole lot more done now that the festive season is all over and we are back to normal (at least we will be when my eldest, Ashlee, gets back from holidays with her Nan.
Christmas was great here. Had the family here from interstate to celebrate and we all had a wonderful time. It was lovely to spend time with them. Christmas morning was so special as this is the first year that Mitchell really understood what its all about (well, the Santa part anyway). Also it was Zach and Anna's first christmas. A very special day. Coming into this world 11 weeks early could have really had a very different outcome to what we have and I thank God everyday for two healthy little babies! After a beautiful lunch for all different kinds of cold meat and some yummy salads, christmas afternoon was spent in the pool at the caravan park where my brothers were staying.
Ok, so here are some photos from Christmas day of the kids....
Ashlee was a few of gifts from Santa

Mitchell with a few of his gifts from Santa

Zach & Anna in some outfits they got for christmas. (Well, Zach is in half an outfit - holding hands too :)

Anna first thing in the morning (with bedhead :)

We also had a visit from a good friend of mine that her little boy at 31 weeks on the dot and he came home at 34+5 weeks! Here he is with Zach and Anna at about 5 weeks. (Weighing what Zach and Anna did when we brought them home at 8 weeks old! About 6lb)

So thats what we got up to, hope everyone else had a lovely day.
Today has been a cooking day for Mitchell and myself. We have been having fun! Here is the yummy 'White Choc Chip Cookies' that Mitchell made
I also have been cooking up vegies for Zach and Anna now that they are finally on solids. That really takes the pressure off me and hopefully we will continue to breastfeed for many more months to come! Here we have carrots and carrots & sweetpotato. They both LOVE these :)

The last thing we made is Banana Muffins - YUMMY! A great treat for the kids without feeding them a whole heap of sugar. Healthy.
While I was grocery shopping this morning I found these patty pan cases with little bananas on them - very cute and just what I was making!

Some photos of my 2 beautiful babies enjoying some lunch

And then when we ran out of food in the bowl ...... Anna was not to happy!

Ok, better go. Welcome 2008!