Well, we have had a terrible start to the year. On January 4th we had Anna admitted to hospital with broncolitis. She had been sick for about 6 weeks before a doctor finally decided to have her admitted. After 5 days in our local hospital on oxygen Anna was transferred to a larger hospital (about an hour away) to be cared for by our usual Paed. With in half an hour of being there he had her on ventolin and antibiotics (to treat a secondary bacterial infection caused by having the mucus sitting in her lungs for so long without treatment!). The differences was amazing. Even though she was definately not 'better', you could see a marked improvement and she finally was able to have a decent feed and a decent sleep. We were all soooo relieved! She is home now although still not 100% but a lot happier. Here are some pics of her while she was in hospital.... Oh and used the hospitals Huggies nappies the whole time we were there and found out how much I love my MCN's!!!
A 'famliy shot' & Anna sleeping in hospital cot
So what else have we been up to? Haven't had a chance to get any sewing done but hope to get back into it soon. Here is some other news....
Used my flybuys points to get some Gift cards. Here are a couple of adorable t-shirts I picked up at Target with some of them today for Zach and Anna. Just couldn't resist!
Finally took a photo of my growing nappy stash (although there were still a few in the wash) - for twins its not that big but we are working on it! LOL!
We have:
40 Mandy Macs - our workhorse nappies
2 Pookey Pockets
1 Nappy Chappies - Sandman(?)
1 Ummm...not sure what this one is - blue with green frogs
3 BBH Magicalls (although only 2 pictured)
2 Home made fleece pockets (all homemades are made by me :)
1 Home made terry fitted (not pictured)
4 Peapod hemp boosters
1 Peapod bamboo booster
4 Home made boosters
6 Target brand nappy wraps (Not to bad - going to add some extra elastic around the legs)
9 BBH PUL Covers (not pictured - all in use or in the wash)
We also have on the way:
2 x Nappylicious 'My little pony' & 'Icecreams'
1 x Bubblebubs Green Dot Minky AIO
1 x Mandarin Daiquari Wild child Dreamy Night Nap
I think thats it. Really would love more ..... hehehe

I'm in the process of making Anna a 'Dora' fleece pocket and Zach an 'ABC' print fleece pocket. I'm also making Mitchell a 'Wiggles' Night nappy fleece pocket. He is still in nappies at night and loves the wiggles!
Ok just looked at the time - 2:30am!! Going to bed!!! Good night (morning LOL!) everyone.
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