Its not to bad but I found that it did look quite grainy and also a bit dull and dark (not to bad for my first go). So I thought I would have try out some of Pioneer Woman's tips and see what I could do with it.
Firstly I added an action or two (I won't go into detail as I'm still learning and really don't know what I'm talking about ... lol!). Then just played with the curves and levels a bit. After that I added a burnt edge action and this is the result ..... (oh I also cropped it tighter)

I thought I would try a bit of a different effect on this one as well. A slightly vintage effect I think it was - see I really don't know what I'm talking about! Or I guess you could just call it a wash out.

Before I go and do the school pick up - see I started this post at 10am and its now 3:10pm! - I thought I would just show you one more. Here is the SOOC....

On this one I ran a vintage action and an edge burn action then just played with the curves and levels again to get the desired result. I also did a bit of a crop on this one too. It really brightened up the photo. I couldn't really go colour on this one as it was another were the ISO setting was to high and it was really dark. When I brightened it up in colour it became extremely grainy and looked wrong. Anyone out there a whizz at Photoshop and have any tips for me? I'd love to hear them!
Better ran, Ashlee won't pick herself from school nor will the milk and bread walk home from the shop on thier own .. lol.
Take care!

1 yummy comments!:
Great Job with the photos! My goodness. Hehe :-) Arent you just a bucket full of talent! I might need your help with some photos, i am setting up a website. :)
Tell ya more later.
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