Wow what a day! It really didn't feel like my birthday and the numerous times I had to sign and date today, would you believe that at least three times I actually asked the date before it 'clicked'!
Its late, I'm tired and I'm going to bed. I'll do a longer post tomorrow but the day in short -
Zach got his xray but not before we had to reschedule at another hospital 1.5 hours away because our local doesn't print film, they only give out disks.
Brett hurt his ankle at work earlier in the week and is now on work cover. After an xray today we find out that its not broken - this time. He does have two old breaks though that he pushed through without being seen by a doctor - Men!
Today was a long day, a lot driving. We were out from 8:15am to 6:30pm. All for a bit of shopping and an xray. Thankfully the kids were all pretty good but I'm sure glad to be home and out of the car.
Tomorrow, back to Bombala for an appointment each for Zach and Anna with the MCHN. Zach is not gaining weight like he should, he needs to be checked monthly. Mitch at preschool so one less child to chase around tomorrow. I might even get a break at some stage!
Good night everyone!
P.S Happy Birthday Luke for tomorrow - Love Ashlee....
Its late, I'm tired and I'm going to bed. I'll do a longer post tomorrow but the day in short -
Zach got his xray but not before we had to reschedule at another hospital 1.5 hours away because our local doesn't print film, they only give out disks.
Brett hurt his ankle at work earlier in the week and is now on work cover. After an xray today we find out that its not broken - this time. He does have two old breaks though that he pushed through without being seen by a doctor - Men!
Today was a long day, a lot driving. We were out from 8:15am to 6:30pm. All for a bit of shopping and an xray. Thankfully the kids were all pretty good but I'm sure glad to be home and out of the car.
Tomorrow, back to Bombala for an appointment each for Zach and Anna with the MCHN. Zach is not gaining weight like he should, he needs to be checked monthly. Mitch at preschool so one less child to chase around tomorrow. I might even get a break at some stage!
Good night everyone!
P.S Happy Birthday Luke for tomorrow - Love Ashlee....