Wednesday, April 29, 2009
WFMW: Conditioning Body Wash Double Action
I have decided to participate for the very first time in Works-For-Me-Wednesday! I am a regular reader and have gotten so many great tips I thought I would add some of my own......
As the title suggests this week its about another use for conditioning body wash.
I find that I have to wash my hair daily other wise it really looks a little dull. Having 4 children including the Delightful Two @ nearly 2, I find just getting in the shower is hard let alone having time to wash my hair every day! This is where Conditioning Body wash comes in.....
Considering most body washes are made from a shampoo base anyway I decided to try it out on my hair and boy was I quite impressed! I found my hair was definitely softer and shinier and the best thing is that I can now get 2 or 3 days out of one wash! So even though body wash can be slightly more expensive I am using half the amount of body wash compared to shampoo and I don't have to actually condition either so saving even more! My next goal is to make some homemade body wash and tailor it to me!
Would love to hear from anyone who has any Soap-free body wash recipes!
Well, this was a pretty simple Works-For-Me but it Works-For-Me! Check out We Are THAT Family for more WFMW!
Where does the time go??! {The Organisation Edition}
This week I think the terrible is beginning to happen! NOOOO! My delightful two are no longer a dream to put down for their day time sleep......I have been dreading the day.....How in the world am I going to get anything done now?! They don't even seem to need it - most days. So today I did spent a little time reading some posts in bloglines that I saved because I wanted to sit down and read them later. I thought I would share some with you....
Firstly we have some Organising and Cleaning posts:
: Simple Mom has one great post about Starting your day off right and also these great post on 4 Simple Ideas to Help you Clean a Messy House, Weekly Home Managment at a glance, 40 Tips to go Greener in your home.
: Simple, Green, Frugal has 20 uses for Vinegar. What about giving the gift of an All Natural Cleaning Supply Basket! Or this post about living Frugal with Children.
: Jolly Mum shows us how to make Homemade Cleaners at a fraction of the cost!
: Organising Junkie has some brilliant information including this Free Grocery Template, or this Menu Planning Template,
: Virtually Organized has Bedroom Storage Tips
: Some Wardrobe Organizing Tips - and here!
Decorating Posts:
: How about some Wall loveliness with A Sassy Affair
: Etch some glass with Create Studio
: Add some Silhouette's your walls with Home Sweet Home
: Domestic Fashionista teaches beginners how to get started in furniture painting
: Some DIY wall Art with EightCrazy Designs
How about some Gift Giving Ideas or Just fun Crafting:
: Sew a Burp Cloth and Dummy Holder with Create Studio
: Diamonds, Fur and Laundry shows you how to sew a crayon and notebook cosy
: Make some lovely Bath Salts to give to Mum with Three Peas in a Pod!
: This is a fun idea! Rubber Band Prints with Pajamamama
Lets Cook!
: Find out how to cook once and eat 10 times at MoneyWise Moms
: So many things to cook here at Fabulessly Frugal!
: A year of crock potting! Brilliant, what more can I say!
My delightful two are getting up to some mischief so I better step in before someone gets hurt! Ashlee is back to school today and Mitchell is in Preschool. Think I better go and get something else done before everyone gets home.
Went to Canberra yesterday for Zach and also received my Mother's Day Pressie early so more on that soon......
mothers day,
organising ideas,
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Time for that promised....
Update I think.....
I will get straight into it then....
Not to much going on. Still a few days left of school holidays. She looking forward to going back to school but not. Just to have some time with friends and no 'little people' around. They get a bit tiring sometimes for a nearly 12 year old. Other then that she will start netball this term. Her big love. She has also been chosen for the district team too so that means a lot of driving and training.....something I'm not looking forward to much.
While away for Easter we stayed at Mum's/Nan's and Ashlee decided to have a bit of fun one night and play a bit of 80's dress ups. Oh so funny!

Nearly a big 5 years old! Loving preschool and has a wonderful best friend Max. Those two are just nuts together! He would go everyday if he could but at the moment he is only going 3 days a week. Can you believe he will be starting 'big primary school' (as he puts it) next year! Just 10 short months away! My little baby - where has the time gone?!
Mitchell is also really keen to learn to read at the moment. We read ALL THE TIME! I love it (most of the time) and I'm sure he will be reading away before he gets to school. They do say that if I child can read before they start school they have a brilliant start and do a lot better than if they can't. He still adores Thomas (and friends) and has gotten both Zachary and Anna in on the obsession too!
Mitchell loves riding his bike.....
And he just loves her :)

He loves hanging with his {little} sister....

What would we do with him?! Love you little man!
Last, but definitely not least.....
She has so much sweet, sweet love for Mummy....and everyone else!
I will get straight into it then....
Firstly, Ashlee:
Not to much going on. Still a few days left of school holidays. She looking forward to going back to school but not. Just to have some time with friends and no 'little people' around. They get a bit tiring sometimes for a nearly 12 year old. Other then that she will start netball this term. Her big love. She has also been chosen for the district team too so that means a lot of driving and training.....something I'm not looking forward to much.
While away for Easter we stayed at Mum's/Nan's and Ashlee decided to have a bit of fun one night and play a bit of 80's dress ups. Oh so funny!

What she was on?......No idea?! Hahaha. Also why she even owns the clothes that enabled her to do 80's dress ups......?!
Nearly a big 5 years old! Loving preschool and has a wonderful best friend Max. Those two are just nuts together! He would go everyday if he could but at the moment he is only going 3 days a week. Can you believe he will be starting 'big primary school' (as he puts it) next year! Just 10 short months away! My little baby - where has the time gone?!
Mitchell is also really keen to learn to read at the moment. We read ALL THE TIME! I love it (most of the time) and I'm sure he will be reading away before he gets to school. They do say that if I child can read before they start school they have a brilliant start and do a lot better than if they can't. He still adores Thomas (and friends) and has gotten both Zachary and Anna in on the obsession too!
Mitchell loves riding his bike.....
Now, My sweet little Zachary:

Everything with Zachary at the moment is pretty stable. We have put in our application for funding for his Kaye Walker and should have it very soon. Kaye Walkers are not all that great for outdoor, uneven ground use so Brett made up a little walking frame for him to use outdoors. He loves it!

For some reason we don't have one of him walking around in it so here is Anna doing a demonstration on the same day.....

Brett has since added a curved rail a bit lower so it is easier for him to use at the moment. Mitchell even has a ball pushing it around so we know it will do him till at least 5 years old. Brett is going to give it a bit of a paint job too - soon.....
We are having a bit of a break from therapy over the Easter period but will back into it from next week. MEIS (Monaro Early Intervention Services) starts back on Tuesday but we will be in Canberra for Zach and Anna's 2 year check up with the Paed and also a review for Zachary. Only for the day this time so thankfully we don't have to pack up half the house to go!
Overall, Zachary doesn't let anything get in his way and if he comes across something that does his ever helpful and loving twin sister is there to help him!
We are having a bit of a break from therapy over the Easter period but will back into it from next week. MEIS (Monaro Early Intervention Services) starts back on Tuesday but we will be in Canberra for Zach and Anna's 2 year check up with the Paed and also a review for Zachary. Only for the day this time so thankfully we don't have to pack up half the house to go!
Overall, Zachary doesn't let anything get in his way and if he comes across something that does his ever helpful and loving twin sister is there to help him!

He is the happiest little man I've ever met.....its truly hard to get a photo of him when he is not like this.....

Or this....

He loves hanging with his {little} sister....

Last, but definitely not least.....
Our little Princess, Anna:

Talking at the speed of a freight train! She really is a laugh a minute! Always saying some thing cute and has a 'Hello!' for everyone. Dribbles like nothing else at the moment while cutting those 4 eye teeth but it definitely doesn't take away from the cuteness!
On a more serious note.....We have been referred from our eye specialist in Canberra to the Eye Clinic at the Children's Hospital in Sydney. He thinks she will most definitely need surgery to fix her eyes now that it is starting to affect her vision. Unfortunately she has gotten to the stage were she just doesn't see things and either runs into them or trips over. Oh, my poor baby, its the last thing we wanted for you. We will take it one step at a time though and see what they say in Sydney.....
Both Zachary and Anna love Preschool (daycare). Adore it really. Sometimes it takes a bit to settle them down in the beginning but they settle in ok.
Anna has a few odd pass times.... crafting Mojo?! It's still here! Really it is. The problem has been my Organising Mojo - now that seems to have taken a little walk. I haven't been able to get into my Office/Craft Room lately as it currently looks like this....
Oh wow, did I just post those photos?! Now there is no turning back is there!
All those boxes contain a hoard of clothes that I have cleaned out recently from the kids wardrobe and mine also. Oh, ok. Maybe my organizing Mojo isn't gone! Its just been put to use somewhere else...... Yes, there is A LOT of clothes and I'm currently sorting them out to give to my SIL who is expecting number 1, the op shop and some of it I will sell. We have in those boxes Sz 00000 to Sz 10 clothes in both girls and boys and also Maternity clothes and clothes I have come to be sick of. Some day soon I hope to have them gone and Crafting back! I'll keep working on that. On Monday and Thursdays mornings when the twins are in Daycare.
I'm also hoping to get back into these:

Well, that is some post! (For me) So I'm off to try get some more house work done before the delightful two wake up. Glad you have beared with me this far :) See you all later!
On a more serious note.....We have been referred from our eye specialist in Canberra to the Eye Clinic at the Children's Hospital in Sydney. He thinks she will most definitely need surgery to fix her eyes now that it is starting to affect her vision. Unfortunately she has gotten to the stage were she just doesn't see things and either runs into them or trips over. Oh, my poor baby, its the last thing we wanted for you. We will take it one step at a time though and see what they say in Sydney.....
Both Zachary and Anna love Preschool (daycare). Adore it really. Sometimes it takes a bit to settle them down in the beginning but they settle in ok.
Anna has a few odd pass times.... crafting Mojo?! It's still here! Really it is. The problem has been my Organising Mojo - now that seems to have taken a little walk. I haven't been able to get into my Office/Craft Room lately as it currently looks like this....
Oh wow, did I just post those photos?! Now there is no turning back is there!
All those boxes contain a hoard of clothes that I have cleaned out recently from the kids wardrobe and mine also. Oh, ok. Maybe my organizing Mojo isn't gone! Its just been put to use somewhere else...... Yes, there is A LOT of clothes and I'm currently sorting them out to give to my SIL who is expecting number 1, the op shop and some of it I will sell. We have in those boxes Sz 00000 to Sz 10 clothes in both girls and boys and also Maternity clothes and clothes I have come to be sick of. Some day soon I hope to have them gone and Crafting back! I'll keep working on that. On Monday and Thursdays mornings when the twins are in Daycare.
I'm also hoping to get back into these:

Well, that is some post! (For me) So I'm off to try get some more house work done before the delightful two wake up. Glad you have beared with me this far :) See you all later!
Cerebral Palsy,
Family Stuff,
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
This year I again participated in the Great Down Under Nappy Hunt - for the third time.... AND it paid off!
Worth $490!
Worth $490!
- Belly Bumps to Baby Hugs is donating a breastfeeding cover, a booboo buddy & a drop buddy.
- Baby Soft Landings is donating Embroidered Berry Plush Cover.
- Booroi is donating a 3pk of Booroi Bamboo Prefold Nappies.
- Cinderella's Stash is donating Large Funkies Carnival Shorties.
- Hurphy Durphy is donating a Hurphy Durphy seat belt buckle guard.
- The itti bitti nappy co is donating a yellow bitti d'lish snap in one.
- Mamma Bellah Kids is donating a Kids Eurotrike.
- Poppy Bean and Bloss is donating an Art Folder.
- Ollie Rose is donating a Sock Monkey Bib, washcloth set and ribbon blanket.
- Scamps Eco Boutique is donating Creamy Cream.
- WAHM Naps is donating a Size 2 Rainbow Night Nappy and a Soy Wax Candle, Goat Milk Soap & mini Cupcake Soap.
- The WeeWuns is donating a Large Very Baby Natural Bamboo.
The best thing is that Mitchell has been at me for sooooo long to him a Scooter and now with his birthday coming up in July he will definitely be getting one.
This one in fact....

Shhhh, don't tell him though...hehehe
This one in fact....

Shhhh, don't tell him though...hehehe
Ok, better go now. I am planning on an update but today I'm just enjoying not having to run off to appointments, run anyone to school/preschool and also the peace and quite now Zachary and Anna are having a nap :) And loving some time with Ashlee while the school holidays on on!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Away for Easter....
I'm enjoying staying at Mum's in Canberra over Easter. I have LOVED the break, thought I would have more time to blog....not true. In between kids nap time, keeping up with our 2 loads of washing a day (and that's while we are in disposables!), eating chocolate and making time to shop for an outfit for a wedding on the weekend I haven't really done a lot. But I must say it has been enjoyable!
So, not to much to blog about........I received my lush Cushie Tushies last week - it's LOVE! - Pink and Blue camo Minky, can it get any better?! I have also have a brown with green spots so have indulged in a Pink with white spots to match for Anna - should be here soon. Wanna see my latest 'stash' pics?! Maybe not, but if you keep reading your going too!
[Insert Pics Here] - just realised that they are still on the camera so I will add them later.
Here, however, aremy Zach and Anna's new Cushies.....
Sorry about the sideways photos, I'm going to have to fix that later. Anna smells and is not happy about it......Maybe I'll get the chance to blog later this afternoon. For now, I'm off to change nappies, get dressed, get everyone else dressed, kick Ashlee out of bed - come on it 9am already! - and head down to get a hair cut and do some more shopping! Heading home tomorrow, just in time to re-pack and head to Bairnsdale for 4 days. Oh the joys of travels with 4 children! I will do an update on the little ones soon. With photos! Yes, Zach and Anna are 2 in just over a month! Can you believe it?! Or that Ashlee is 12 in June! Mitchell 5 in July!! My babies are growing up [insert huge sob here]. What are my chances of adding another babe to our clan?! Not really promising......just going to have to make do with a new Niece or Nephew arriving in October/November......I can't wait! Better run, the smell is getting the better of me really and I don't think the children are going to get themselves ready or that my hair is going to miraculously cut itself.
Hope you all had a lovely Easter!
So, not to much to blog about........I received my lush Cushie Tushies last week - it's LOVE! - Pink and Blue camo Minky, can it get any better?! I have also have a brown with green spots so have indulged in a Pink with white spots to match for Anna - should be here soon. Wanna see my latest 'stash' pics?! Maybe not, but if you keep reading your going too!
[Insert Pics Here] - just realised that they are still on the camera so I will add them later.
Here, however, are
Sorry about the sideways photos, I'm going to have to fix that later. Anna smells and is not happy about it......Maybe I'll get the chance to blog later this afternoon. For now, I'm off to change nappies, get dressed, get everyone else dressed, kick Ashlee out of bed - come on it 9am already! - and head down to get a hair cut and do some more shopping! Heading home tomorrow, just in time to re-pack and head to Bairnsdale for 4 days. Oh the joys of travels with 4 children! I will do an update on the little ones soon. With photos! Yes, Zach and Anna are 2 in just over a month! Can you believe it?! Or that Ashlee is 12 in June! Mitchell 5 in July!! My babies are growing up [insert huge sob here]. What are my chances of adding another babe to our clan?! Not really promising......just going to have to make do with a new Niece or Nephew arriving in October/November......I can't wait! Better run, the smell is getting the better of me really and I don't think the children are going to get themselves ready or that my hair is going to miraculously cut itself.
Hope you all had a lovely Easter!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Little Stellan is not doing so well. He needs your prayers. Click the button above to head on over to Mckmama's blog and read the full story.
prayers needed
Monday, April 6, 2009
Its been awhile...
Things here are looking up. We are working towards a new house! All I can say is 'it can't come quick enough!'. I'm going nuts in this house!
More updates coming soon on the little ones and also as my mojo returns there is some more crafting!
Last night: I had the BEST sleep ever!
Today: Kids at school, preschool or in daycare so I baked!
Firstly this......

Than a chocolate mud cake....yummy. Camera flat so pics to come! Also some serious cleaning has been going on this morning with more to come as I still have an hour and a half till I pick up Zach and Anna from daycare.
Not a lot else to say right now, but I guess I'm back! And 'Operation Organise' is back on track!
See you all again soon!
More updates coming soon on the little ones and also as my mojo returns there is some more crafting!
Last night: I had the BEST sleep ever!
Today: Kids at school, preschool or in daycare so I baked!
Firstly this......

Than a chocolate mud cake....yummy. Camera flat so pics to come! Also some serious cleaning has been going on this morning with more to come as I still have an hour and a half till I pick up Zach and Anna from daycare.
Not a lot else to say right now, but I guess I'm back! And 'Operation Organise' is back on track!
See you all again soon!
Family Stuff,
Operation Organise
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