In my last post I said I would be back soon and that didn't happen as its now May, but here I am now so sit down and hold onto your seats.....its time for an update....
Now what has gone on in the last month....firstly I will announce our big news (and no I'm not pregnant LOL!). We are moving! We have decided that it would be best if move closer to our families, Brett's being in the Bombala/Delegate area and mine in Canberra. Brett's father is getting older and living on a farm is getting harder for him. Brett would like to closer to be able to see him regularly and help out and we also want him to get to know his grandkids a bit more. Brett wonderful mother passed away on July 31st last year VERY suddenly having never met little Zachary and Anna and it really hit us all hard. Brett's sister has recently moved to Bombala so we will be closer to her too and it will be great to have family around again. Canberra is only 2 hours at the most (I think) from Bombala so visiting my family will be easier too. Brett starts a new job in Bombala on the 26th driving a log truck. The job pays more than his current job driving refrigerated vans interstate and he will be home every day! **Naomi does a little dance** I won't know what to do with myself!
The kids and myself will stay here in Victoria until the end of the school term or the house sells (whichever comes first). The house has been on the market now for 6 months so we are really desperate to sell but won't just take peanuts for it as we have put in a lot of work to get it the way it is! We will probably rent for a little while until we find the right property to buy. So here comes the fun stuff - NOT! I now have to start looking at enrolling Ashlee at a new school, look into preschools for Mitchell who starts next year and then find a new Paed for Zachary and Anna (this I'll probably have to look in Canberra for). Also try and start networking again for parents/mothers in the area.
On to the kids now....Ashlee is nearly 11 (going on 20!). Her birthday is June 1st. She is the only one that I have pretty much finished shopping for. She recently competed in the District Athletics and came out with a 1st in Hurdles, a 2nd in the 100m and a 3rd (by a hair!) in the 800m. By the time here favourite event came around, the high jump, she was stuffed and didn't do to well but there is always next year. She now goes onto the Zone Athletics on the 23rd of May.

Mitchell is still little Mitchell. He is being quite demanding at the moment but I think it is just to do with his age. Going to have to be a bit tighter on him I think! Not to much to update with him, he now is very determined to dress himself, get his owns drinks and spent 24/7 outside. Its not to bad really, when your not in a hurry LOL!

Still such a beautiful boy!
Zachary now has 6 teeth! He is commando crawling EVERYWHERE! he constantly gets up onto his hands and knees but seems to be happier with the commando crawl for now. Nothing is safe and Mitchell is really not enjoying having to 'share' his toys that he leaves on the floor. He has been sick (and still is I guess) but we have handled it although really hating his yucky runny nose!

And last but definitely not least....our little Anna. What time she has had. My beautiful little girl has been sick again. The first time she was able to (or so we thought) fight it off and get well without any intervention. After a few days of fevers that topped 40 degrees a doctors visit saw us going home with instructions to keep up the fluids and panadol. This seemed to work but unfortunately 2 weeks later we were back in the hospital with broncilitis. Thankfully after some oxygen and a few different drugs including steroids we took her home after only 2 days. She now still not completely well and is still on steroids and now on Ventolin but we live in hope that this winter is not going to be endless hospital stays!
Apart from that she is still a pretty happy girl. Still no teeth and no crawling but rolls to get where she wants to go so again nothing is safe. She loves clapping her hands and 'talks' all the time. When she crys now she calls 'mummy' - it melts my heart!

Onto some other news.....We would like to introduce the newest member of the Armstrong family......

~ Oreo ~
Little 'Oreo' was just 5 weeks and 1 day when he came to join our family. That was just over a week ago now. He is just so cute and incredibly little! Over all he is a really good kitten but I still can't wait for him to grow up a little bit. Kittens can be hard work LOL!
I haven't actually sewn anything in the past few months. With the house for sale I can't be bothered pulling out the machine as I know I'm going to have to pack it all up again when people want to come through the house, also I have been far to busy now that the twins are getting older. I spend most of my day now cleaning, doing washing and playing with the kids. The only time I get to sew is at night and usually by then I'm just to tired : (
Well, I better sign off now. Its getting late and need to get a few things done before I head to bed. Brett is away at the moment and won't be back until lunch time Monday than its off to Melbourne for a B-Double course. Thankfully my lovely mummy came down for a days to help out. I would lost with out her! I love my mummy LOL! xx Naomi