Thank You to everyone that left those lovely comments.....the
craft table I use was my MIL's until she passed away about 18 months ago. I love it too. It is nice and big and just the right height to sit and sew at. The
little shopping trolley is kinda cute isn't it. That was actually already here when we moved it! The
kids used to play with it but there are
soooo many fights over it all the time that I ended up taking it to my craft room.
Mean aren't I.
Now on to
the pressies.......
What did I get for Christmas???? I was a bit spoilt I think.
My biggest gift was
this 1TB external hard drive. So so cool!

An absolutely lovely
3 tier stand - I just wanna use it!
Complete digital photography Book - this is great, some excellent tuts and great tips.

My SIL Melissa (and my bro I guess...hehehe) got me this
lovely clock. Thank you :)

I received this cute
knitting bag that is currently over flowing with, well, knitting stuff

I looooove my new
Laundry Powder Tin! It also comes with a little tin scoop. Now all I have to do is pick up one of
these (all in pink of course) and
I am a
LOST JUNKIE! I have every episode so far (
Mum gets me the new DVD set each year) and have watched them a few dozen times. I can't wait until
LOST starts again this year but in the mean time this will keep me going!

My lovely
PedEgg! I have wanted to get one of these for a while (see what happens when you have to watch midnight TV while breastfeeding!). Mum really does listen as I mentioned it in passing a while ago. (And yes, it does work!)

I got a nice
soy candle and some
soy melts. As well as some super yummy smelling hand cream!

Again from Mel and Dan, isn't this
pillow cover stunning!! It currently sits on my bed during the day because I'm to afraid the kids will wreak it!
Mum got me a little sewing organiser. It really is brilliant. Isn't it great to receive
all lovely,
thoughtful gifts that you actually want and will use?!
My family really does love me!
Image from hereI also got this
GREAT cook book (that my entire meal plan for the next week is made up from - check back for
Meal Plan Monday)
Image from hereLastly, some lovely
I'm pretty sure there was other things too but they are not coming to mind at the moment.
So there you have it.
Brilliant Christmas but the best bit, the bit I loved the most
was the time I spent with my family. The two weeks I spent at Mum's house was
so incredibly relaxing and fun. I just didn't want to go home! Now I miss them all terribly too.
Ok, its late...better get to bed. I am rather tired.
Good night all!