Today our precious little miracles turn 2!
Happy Birthday
Zachary & Anna!
{The Early Days}

Zachary - just days old

Anna - just days old
{First Birthday}

Look at us now!

They had a lovely morning opening pressies and getting lots of love! I'll be back later with a full birthday run down (and probably photo overload!)
Make sure you head over here and enter my giveaway!
Happy Birthday
Zachary & Anna!
{The Early Days}

Zachary - just days old

Anna - just days old
{First Birthday}

Look at us now!

They had a lovely morning opening pressies and getting lots of love! I'll be back later with a full birthday run down (and probably photo overload!)
Make sure you head over here and enter my giveaway!
4 yummy comments!:
Happy birthday Zach and Anaa! thinking of you and your mum on this very special day! have fun and eat lots of cake too :)
Happy birthday Anna & Zach! HOpe you had a fantastic Day! :)
Happy Birthday Zach & Anna!
Happy Birthday!!!...such cute kiddos!
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