Wandering Waif Collection GIVEAWAY !!!!!!!
You HAVE TO check this out!! SOOOOO adorable!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
By request ..... part 2!
Ok, so I have a couple of minutes in between putting Zach and Anna in bed - who again refused their dinner - and putting Mitch to bed, EARLY! He is driving me insane tonight! I'm sure it is just from boredom because as I said before we are totally house bound at the moment, by choice. Looks like we will have to get out tomorrow!
Here are a couple of random photos for you from our first week in beautiful Delegate....
Here is the view from the back veranda. It really is quite beautiful and the photo's don't really do it justice

The cat - oops! I mean Oreo (I am constant calling him 'The Cat' and thought I should probably use his name) - enjoying the sunshine in his new home

'The' nappies are all set up and back in use again - I really don't like disposables!

We currently have 'this' (see below) in our hallway that was left here. Although it is rather a beautiful piano it just takes up to much valuable space to keep it

Mitchell finally has his much loved 'Ferrari' bed up and has knocked back sleeping with Daddy on a few occasions because of it ... lol

And this the other part of the room. There is not to much space but it isn't as cramped as the photo makes it look
Here is 'our' room. Not to keen on the pink walls but it cosy and has plenty of build-in wardrobe so I'm happy

So there you have it. A sneak peak into our new home (for now!). Its nothing special, its old and its a bit to small for my liking (especially with the 4 kiddies) but its home for now and it is warm. The lifestyle is laid back and I have only driven the car once since we moved here!
Better head off.....
There is some of this to attend to....

And plenty of these to keep me busy....

Good night all!
Here are a couple of random photos for you from our first week in beautiful Delegate....
Here is the view from the back veranda. It really is quite beautiful and the photo's don't really do it justice

The cat - oops! I mean Oreo (I am constant calling him 'The Cat' and thought I should probably use his name) - enjoying the sunshine in his new home

'The' nappies are all set up and back in use again - I really don't like disposables!

We currently have 'this' (see below) in our hallway that was left here. Although it is rather a beautiful piano it just takes up to much valuable space to keep it

Mitchell finally has his much loved 'Ferrari' bed up and has knocked back sleeping with Daddy on a few occasions because of it ... lol

And this the other part of the room. There is not to much space but it isn't as cramped as the photo makes it look

So there you have it. A sneak peak into our new home (for now!). Its nothing special, its old and its a bit to small for my liking (especially with the 4 kiddies) but its home for now and it is warm. The lifestyle is laid back and I have only driven the car once since we moved here!
Better head off.....
There is some of this to attend to....

And plenty of these to keep me busy....

Good night all!
Family Stuff,
moving house,
By request.....
We have now been living in (cold - but not to cold) Delegate for a week (and no it hasn't snowed here yet but Bombala had 2 inches!). I must say that I am surprisingly happy and comfortable. I am s...l...o...w...l...y... getting boxes unpacked and sometimes going slightly batty looking for things that I NEED and have yet to be unpacked. Also since we have HUGELY downsized for the time being I am finding it almost impossible to find places to put things. For example; our old house had a lovely ample sized cupboard in the laundry but this one, well there is actually no cupboard at all.....Hmmmmm. What to do with all my cleaning supplies, toilet paper and vacuum cleaner - to name a few - I guess they are going to have to find a new home - for now.
The kids have all been sick, Zach and Anna being the worst. They spent what seemed like two entire days (and nights!) crying and even now 9 times out of 10 won't even eat. Now that's not anything to out of the ordinary for Zach but Anna would normally eat ANYTHING! (Oh, but last night we discovered she doesn't like peas - so back to disguising them again.) Mitchell has also had the same thing (what ever it is....) and only today has started to pick up and being more like the normal Mitch again. I also think that he is getting a little bored as we normally head out during the week for playgroup and play dates etc but at the moment we are pretty much home bound unpacking - I swear it is never going to end.
I'm going to have to come back later with more news and some photos (I do have some photo's for those of you that have requested a little view into our new life) as I need to get to the 'general store' before they close at 5:30pm! The joys of living in a small town! Also Zach has discovered me in the study and is crying at the gate.
Just quickly....Ashlee is now home from her second day at her new school and by all accounts is really loving it and quite the little miss popular...but I'll share more about that later.
Photo's nearly finished uploading so make sure you check back later.
The kids have all been sick, Zach and Anna being the worst. They spent what seemed like two entire days (and nights!) crying and even now 9 times out of 10 won't even eat. Now that's not anything to out of the ordinary for Zach but Anna would normally eat ANYTHING! (Oh, but last night we discovered she doesn't like peas - so back to disguising them again.) Mitchell has also had the same thing (what ever it is....) and only today has started to pick up and being more like the normal Mitch again. I also think that he is getting a little bored as we normally head out during the week for playgroup and play dates etc but at the moment we are pretty much home bound unpacking - I swear it is never going to end.
I'm going to have to come back later with more news and some photos (I do have some photo's for those of you that have requested a little view into our new life) as I need to get to the 'general store' before they close at 5:30pm! The joys of living in a small town! Also Zach has discovered me in the study and is crying at the gate.
Just quickly....Ashlee is now home from her second day at her new school and by all accounts is really loving it and quite the little miss popular...but I'll share more about that later.
Photo's nearly finished uploading so make sure you check back later.
moving house,
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Were Here!
Hello everyone! I'm back online! We are finally moved and last night set up the computer desk and computer. Everything went smoothly apart from a few damaged items that we will need to claim but I'll go into that later.
Ashlee and Mitchell have gone for a walk and Zach and Anna are sleeping. Brett has gone back to Bairnsdale for the night to finish cleaning up the house and grab the rest of our stuff (that the removalists couldn't fit on ... grrr. We will go into that later too). So the house is all quite and I'm just about to get into some more unpacking. I'll be back tonight.....
Ashlee and Mitchell have gone for a walk and Zach and Anna are sleeping. Brett has gone back to Bairnsdale for the night to finish cleaning up the house and grab the rest of our stuff (that the removalists couldn't fit on ... grrr. We will go into that later too). So the house is all quite and I'm just about to get into some more unpacking. I'll be back tonight.....
Family Stuff,
moving house
Friday, August 15, 2008
A lovely evening
Tonight I went out to dinner with some of the ladies from our twins playgroup. It was more of a farewell dinner. For the second time ever I left the twins at home (with my mum) and enjoyed a yummy dinner of Moroccan Lamb Cutlets and than Baked Cheesecake for dessert. It was the first time in a long time that I could sit back and relax and take my time with a meal. Not having to hurry because I have a baby or two climbing up my leg. Even though its pretty late now I actually feel really refreshed. It was also lovely that my 11 year old daughter sent me a message letting me know that the twins were fine and that I could take my time. Zach is VERY much a mummy's boy and usually scream blue murder if I am out of sight for to long, but apparently tonight he was quite well behaved and it made the evening that little bit better.
I'm really going to miss my awesome friends here and the mums (most with twins, some without) I have become close to over time. I'm going to have to make a whole new set of connections in our new home, start all over again. (But I'm sure that I will beable to find a new group of lovely ladies in time.) It was a slightly sad occassion because of that but over all we really did have a lovely time.
So to Linda, Melissa, Michelle, Andy, Kelly, Lisa, Carolyn, Kelly (2), Pam, Nicole, Leesa and Vanessa to name a few, thank you for the great times and will definately catch again soon!
Night all!
I'm really going to miss my awesome friends here and the mums (most with twins, some without) I have become close to over time. I'm going to have to make a whole new set of connections in our new home, start all over again. (But I'm sure that I will beable to find a new group of lovely ladies in time.) It was a slightly sad occassion because of that but over all we really did have a lovely time.
So to Linda, Melissa, Michelle, Andy, Kelly, Lisa, Carolyn, Kelly (2), Pam, Nicole, Leesa and Vanessa to name a few, thank you for the great times and will definately catch again soon!
Night all!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Not happy Jan!
I have just spent a few hours (in between other things) designing and tweaking a lovely page of my beautiful daughter Ashlee and after all my hard work I didn't even think to save it. Now.....Photoshop has frozen, damn! I think I may have lost it all - So, not happy Jan! There is a small chance that it may start working again, which I really hope it does, but for now I think I may just have to come to terms with the fact that I have to start all over again. Don't you hate that!
Oh well, I guess I really should be heading to bed anyway. Mum and Melissa are now here, YIPPEE and I have a lot of packing to get done tomorrow.
A few more things though, you know how I told you about Baby Stellan over at Mckmama's Blog. Well, she has some wonderful news up on her blog......super super wonderful! Head on over and have a read! And...another wonderful story for you to take a look at. Head on over to The Life of Us. There you will find another wonderful miracle for a precious unborn bubba. All these wonderful happenings have reduced me to tears at times, but I guess that all our prayers are really paying off!
Lastly, just to lift my spirits (and yours if they need lifting!) here is a little bit of cuteness for you.....good night!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
For you '4 little men'
I was just reading 4 little men's blog and she was asking about bellies - pregnant ones. So I thought I would add a little pic on here for her, HI!
This was taken at 28 weeks with the twins, just before I was admitted to hospital in labour and about a week before I had them....

And here is one when I was 15 weeks pregnant (and loving it!).....
I can only imagine how big I was going to get if I went the further 11 weeks that my OB was planning to let me go!
This was taken at 28 weeks with the twins, just before I was admitted to hospital in labour and about a week before I had them....

And here is one when I was 15 weeks pregnant (and loving it!).....

Camera cord located
I am back to grace you with some birthday images! After locating my camera cord in the video camera bag I was able to load up my photos. There are a few so I just packaged them up into some collages .... I will be back later with some more 'non' birthday images :)

Family Stuff,
2 down....more good news
Last night went extremely well! Zachary slept until 7am! Can you believe it! Anna woke at about 6am and spent some time crying, I think she had a pain in her tummy as she did the most awful poo later in the morning which required a bath - sorry TMI. She had some cows milk yesterday and I really think it doesn't agree with her, poor little girl.
And what is the 'more good news' you ask? ...... Zach and Anna went down for their morning sleep at 10:30am, a few little grizzles by Zach and some chatting by Anna and all was completely quite by 10:40am! I really am starting to get excited. I have actually got dishes done, some clothes in the machine and a box or two packed this morning. WoooHooo!
I CAN NOT wait until tomorrow. My lovely mum, Julie and beautiful SIL, Melissa are coming to stay for a few days and be my life savers! They are coming to help me pack or look after the little ones or both. Brett will be home on Friday night, so there will be 4 adults in the house. I'm sure we will be able to get the packing finished between us all. There just seems so much to do!
Better head off now, going to pack a few more boxes and look for my camera cord. I have some photos off the lovely farewell party that playgroup had for us yesterday that I wanna show along with all the other photos I'm keen to post.
BBL! xx
And what is the 'more good news' you ask? ...... Zach and Anna went down for their morning sleep at 10:30am, a few little grizzles by Zach and some chatting by Anna and all was completely quite by 10:40am! I really am starting to get excited. I have actually got dishes done, some clothes in the machine and a box or two packed this morning. WoooHooo!
I CAN NOT wait until tomorrow. My lovely mum, Julie and beautiful SIL, Melissa are coming to stay for a few days and be my life savers! They are coming to help me pack or look after the little ones or both. Brett will be home on Friday night, so there will be 4 adults in the house. I'm sure we will be able to get the packing finished between us all. There just seems so much to do!
Better head off now, going to pack a few more boxes and look for my camera cord. I have some photos off the lovely farewell party that playgroup had for us yesterday that I wanna show along with all the other photos I'm keen to post.
BBL! xx
Family Stuff,
Monday, August 11, 2008
Should I be getting excited??!!
Some history for you.....
When the twins first came home they were great sleepers (as you would expect). It was just a matter of change, sleep, feed, change, sleep, feed, etc. Keeping in mind that they came home at just over 36 weeks gestation (and were already over 7 weeks old) they were really just growing (as they would have been still in the womb) and they didn't really have the energy to do much else. At the magical '40 weeks' they started to wake up a bit and be more like little newborns but still were great sleepers. I could just wrap them up, put them in the cot and off they went. All this changed as they got older, also Anna having reflux requiring medication didn't help and this was the exact same time they had their '8 week old needles' (but we will save that for a whole new post! - I am now a NON-Vaccinating mummy). They became very accustomed to their bouncers and spent most of the time sleeping in them during the day but it was becoming more and more difficult to get them to go to sleep 'unaided' at night. Most nights would be spent 'bouncing' them to sleep then moving them into the cot once asleep - REALLY stupid move on my part, but I guess when you have not one but two little ones at the same time you take what you can get. This moved onto Zachary ONLY going to sleep while feeding. You see he is a very typical boy and is very attached to the boob, he loves it and still to this day will have multiple feeds a day which I really don't mind but I'm a bit over having to feed him to sleep. Anna would require 'bouncing'.
Ok, lets move on to 'now'......for the past month or so I have been able to just put Anna down when shows 'those' tired signs and she will just go off but Zach, well as I said he loves his boob and still requires a boob to sleep. This brings us to 'tonight'....After saying goodnight and putting Anna in her cot Zach was proving to be a very tough customer. Tonight he just didn't want to sleep. Feeding, bouncing, rocking etc just didn't work - oh and have I added that he refuses a dummy, and bottles for that matter (apparently it is from bad 'flash backs', in the NICU they used to give him a dummy to suck on while they changed his NG tube every two days). So in the end Anna was not yet a sleep so I just said my goodnights and put him down in the cot. Yes, he cried and yes I wanted to cry too but after just 20 minutes (I went in once to 're-settle' and wipe his snotting nose) he (and Anna) was asleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to sing and dance! Could this be the start of something great??!! Can I really get excited??!!
Now it is 12:07am and I'm just about to head off to bed myself. Everyone is tucked in and sleeping (on their own!), even Mitchell is in his own bed! (That's a whole new post too ... lol!)
So night night all and just pray that this will continue - I think my sanity relies on it! :)
When the twins first came home they were great sleepers (as you would expect). It was just a matter of change, sleep, feed, change, sleep, feed, etc. Keeping in mind that they came home at just over 36 weeks gestation (and were already over 7 weeks old) they were really just growing (as they would have been still in the womb) and they didn't really have the energy to do much else. At the magical '40 weeks' they started to wake up a bit and be more like little newborns but still were great sleepers. I could just wrap them up, put them in the cot and off they went. All this changed as they got older, also Anna having reflux requiring medication didn't help and this was the exact same time they had their '8 week old needles' (but we will save that for a whole new post! - I am now a NON-Vaccinating mummy). They became very accustomed to their bouncers and spent most of the time sleeping in them during the day but it was becoming more and more difficult to get them to go to sleep 'unaided' at night. Most nights would be spent 'bouncing' them to sleep then moving them into the cot once asleep - REALLY stupid move on my part, but I guess when you have not one but two little ones at the same time you take what you can get. This moved onto Zachary ONLY going to sleep while feeding. You see he is a very typical boy and is very attached to the boob, he loves it and still to this day will have multiple feeds a day which I really don't mind but I'm a bit over having to feed him to sleep. Anna would require 'bouncing'.
Ok, lets move on to 'now'......for the past month or so I have been able to just put Anna down when shows 'those' tired signs and she will just go off but Zach, well as I said he loves his boob and still requires a boob to sleep. This brings us to 'tonight'....After saying goodnight and putting Anna in her cot Zach was proving to be a very tough customer. Tonight he just didn't want to sleep. Feeding, bouncing, rocking etc just didn't work - oh and have I added that he refuses a dummy, and bottles for that matter (apparently it is from bad 'flash backs', in the NICU they used to give him a dummy to suck on while they changed his NG tube every two days). So in the end Anna was not yet a sleep so I just said my goodnights and put him down in the cot. Yes, he cried and yes I wanted to cry too but after just 20 minutes (I went in once to 're-settle' and wipe his snotting nose) he (and Anna) was asleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to sing and dance! Could this be the start of something great??!! Can I really get excited??!!
Now it is 12:07am and I'm just about to head off to bed myself. Everyone is tucked in and sleeping (on their own!), even Mitchell is in his own bed! (That's a whole new post too ... lol!)
So night night all and just pray that this will continue - I think my sanity relies on it! :)
Family Stuff,
Saturday, August 9, 2008
What goes on when you are procrastinating....
I have been playing around with my blog and pYzam.com - it really is quite a cool site and great if you are procastinating too! Anyway, you may see I have changed my font to one of my own and also added a count down timer but do you wanna see something funny??? I am on my own magazine!

Ok, back to normal programming now.....

Ok, back to normal programming now.....
Oh help me!
Today is just one of those days...I feel so blar. We are moving interstate in 9 days and do you think I have anything packed ..... ah, no. Well thats not entirely true. I have packed up all the books and scrapbooking stuff in the study and I still have a few boxes out in the shed that never got unpacked when we moved here back in 2002! Oh, naughty me. I guess I really don't need any of that stuff in there. I have been through it over the last few years and culled in down to only a few boxes leaving just the stuff that I wanted to keep but do you think I can remember what is even in them now?! I guess I will find out soon enough - lol! Oh Organizing Junkie I need your help!
I am really looking forward to the move though, I really am. Its just the packing I hate. When we do finally arrive at our new destination I am looking forward to unpacking and setting up house again. My big plan for new style is minimalist - oh, stop laughing! I'm really sick of having all the stuff around! I just want to have the things I need and use around. With a family of six including two 'babies' it is hard to cull stuff down but I'm REALLY going to try.
One thing I am really looking forward to is HAVING OUR OWN ROOM AGAIN! The bedrooms are now big enough for Mitchell, Zachary and Anna to share a room. This means no more sleepless nights because Zach and Anna won't sleep through the snoring! Yippee! No not me snoring, its Brett. Since he has been away they have been great at night. When ever he comes home for the weekend I swear I never get any sleep. Or I spend it on the couch with either Zach or Anna or if I'm really lucky - BOTH. I'm looking forward to setting up there room, Mitchell will finally have his new 'Ferrari Bed'! It was a gift from his Auntie Linda (she brought it from a friend of her's that hand made it - pretty cool huh?!) but didn't fit in his room here in Bairnsdale - he is going to be wrapped. Here is what it looks like.... (these are photos that were sent to us before we got it so we could see what it looked like)

Ok, enought about that. I really should give you an update about Mitchell's wonderful Safari Party but I want to add pictures and since I can't find the cord for the camera (? - have no idea where it would be) I will leave it for now and (hopefully) get to that before we move. It was a lot of fun though!
I really want to show you some really cute pics of all the kids but as I said, no camera cord and it is really getting to me. I will probably give in shortly and go and spend some time on the PC (I use the laptop more then the PC so I can keep an eye on the kids while I'm on the computer.) and just put the memory card in the printer (that is hooked to the computer) and load them on that way. Really don't want to though. Oh yeah that's another thing I'm looking forward to. Having the computer more accessible - we brought a brand new computer with a flat screen etc and I never really use it because its in the office and I can't keep an eye on the kids.
Right, now I'm just rambling (and I REALLY need to go and pack something!) so I guess I better cut this short. There is so much more to tell - regarding Anna seeing the Paediatric Opthamologist (now how do you spell that ?) and Zach needing to see an Occupational Therapist (which is happening on Wednesday), oh and Mitchell doing my head in at the moment with his 4 year old antics but I will need to do that later tonight - might even come across my camera cord and have some photos to add!
I really would like to add two more things....Please add baby Stellan to your prayer list! Although he is yet to be born he has touched so many hearts already, now he really needs the Lord to touch his own little heart. I won't go into detail as it is quite an indepth story but you can read all it here at Mckmama's Blog. The progress that little Stellan is making at this time has truely restored my faith in the Lord.
Also please pray for baby Rhys. Little Rhys was born; along with his twin brother Bently who sadly passed away not long after birth due to an infection; at 24 weeks gestation on July 16th 2008. You can read thier story and get updates over at The OK Corral. Little Rhys is having his ups and downs and by no means 'out of the woods' yet. Weighing a tiny 1lb 7oz at birth he has a long road ahead and needs your prayer.
Being a mummy to premature twins myself this story has really touched my heart. It has also made me truely thankful to the Lord for allowing our two little ones to hold out to the magical 29 weeks before making an entrance as I could never imagine having to say goodbye to either of them as Cody and Candice have had to to little Bently. Compared to the rough road they are travelling we have had a fairly smooth one and for this I am TRUELY thankful!
Also you must check out these two little beauties that Corrie has delivered recently! Head on over to Retromummy to see for yourself! I tell you our population is multiplying as we speak!
I will leave you with some pages I have scrapped over the last few weeks.

Take care!
I am really looking forward to the move though, I really am. Its just the packing I hate. When we do finally arrive at our new destination I am looking forward to unpacking and setting up house again. My big plan for new style is minimalist - oh, stop laughing! I'm really sick of having all the stuff around! I just want to have the things I need and use around. With a family of six including two 'babies' it is hard to cull stuff down but I'm REALLY going to try.
One thing I am really looking forward to is HAVING OUR OWN ROOM AGAIN! The bedrooms are now big enough for Mitchell, Zachary and Anna to share a room. This means no more sleepless nights because Zach and Anna won't sleep through the snoring! Yippee! No not me snoring, its Brett. Since he has been away they have been great at night. When ever he comes home for the weekend I swear I never get any sleep. Or I spend it on the couch with either Zach or Anna or if I'm really lucky - BOTH. I'm looking forward to setting up there room, Mitchell will finally have his new 'Ferrari Bed'! It was a gift from his Auntie Linda (she brought it from a friend of her's that hand made it - pretty cool huh?!) but didn't fit in his room here in Bairnsdale - he is going to be wrapped. Here is what it looks like.... (these are photos that were sent to us before we got it so we could see what it looked like)

Ok, enought about that. I really should give you an update about Mitchell's wonderful Safari Party but I want to add pictures and since I can't find the cord for the camera (? - have no idea where it would be) I will leave it for now and (hopefully) get to that before we move. It was a lot of fun though!
I really want to show you some really cute pics of all the kids but as I said, no camera cord and it is really getting to me. I will probably give in shortly and go and spend some time on the PC (I use the laptop more then the PC so I can keep an eye on the kids while I'm on the computer.) and just put the memory card in the printer (that is hooked to the computer) and load them on that way. Really don't want to though. Oh yeah that's another thing I'm looking forward to. Having the computer more accessible - we brought a brand new computer with a flat screen etc and I never really use it because its in the office and I can't keep an eye on the kids.
Right, now I'm just rambling (and I REALLY need to go and pack something!) so I guess I better cut this short. There is so much more to tell - regarding Anna seeing the Paediatric Opthamologist (now how do you spell that ?) and Zach needing to see an Occupational Therapist (which is happening on Wednesday), oh and Mitchell doing my head in at the moment with his 4 year old antics but I will need to do that later tonight - might even come across my camera cord and have some photos to add!
I really would like to add two more things....Please add baby Stellan to your prayer list! Although he is yet to be born he has touched so many hearts already, now he really needs the Lord to touch his own little heart. I won't go into detail as it is quite an indepth story but you can read all it here at Mckmama's Blog. The progress that little Stellan is making at this time has truely restored my faith in the Lord.
Also please pray for baby Rhys. Little Rhys was born; along with his twin brother Bently who sadly passed away not long after birth due to an infection; at 24 weeks gestation on July 16th 2008. You can read thier story and get updates over at The OK Corral. Little Rhys is having his ups and downs and by no means 'out of the woods' yet. Weighing a tiny 1lb 7oz at birth he has a long road ahead and needs your prayer.
Being a mummy to premature twins myself this story has really touched my heart. It has also made me truely thankful to the Lord for allowing our two little ones to hold out to the magical 29 weeks before making an entrance as I could never imagine having to say goodbye to either of them as Cody and Candice have had to to little Bently. Compared to the rough road they are travelling we have had a fairly smooth one and for this I am TRUELY thankful!
Also you must check out these two little beauties that Corrie has delivered recently! Head on over to Retromummy to see for yourself! I tell you our population is multiplying as we speak!
I will leave you with some pages I have scrapped over the last few weeks.
{ Cook like a Pro }

{ Two Peas in a Pod }

Take care!
Family Stuff
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