Monday, January 19, 2009

Menu Plan Monday day allocation. This my plan for the week.

Roast Lamb - with roasted vegetables (again, yum!)

BBQ Beef Stir-fry - with rice

(Leftover) Lamb & potato bake - with vegetables

Creamy Chicken Pasta - with salad

Steak casserole (again because it was quite hit!)

BBQ Lamb Chops - with vegetables

AND lastly, we will have take away one night because I can if I feel like it! hehehe!

Make sure you head over to The Organising Junkie for more menu plans!

2 yummy comments!:

n*stitches said...

Everything looks yum! I don't always assign days to the meals either! Have a great week!

Nicole said...

Hi Naomi,

Haven't heard from you for a while. I hope everything is ok with you and your family.

Am thinking of you.


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