It has been
a long couple of days. Sunday afternoon we
drove up to Canberra. Mum and myself ended up
staying up to around 2am just chatting. It was the first time since Mitchell was born that we have spent time together and just talked with out a baby around (
Zach and
Anna were sleeping peacefully!). Up first thing Monday morning (
6:16am to be precise - Thank you Zach and Anna) and wondered around like a zombie until I had consumed a morning coffee - this is a rare thing as
I ONLY EVER drink tea, white no sugar, unless it is purchased or made at home on our
WONDERFUL Sunbeam Espresso machine - Cafe Series of course! (see picture below)

TOTALLY love this machine and because I spent a few years making beautiful coffees for a living I think
I totally make an awesome cup! Anyway totally off topic there so we move on...... Get twins dressed, jump through the shower while my
absolutely WONDERFUL mum made them breakfast - its funny how spending a few good days with your mum that you don't see all that often
makes you really miss having them around - organise paperwork, nappy bag, tidy up the
'living out of a suitcase' mess and it was off to our appointment with
Dr Rosier. Can I just say that this man is totally awesome! He was lovely to talk to and checked both
Zach and
Anna out thoroughly but most of all he finally gave us some answers.....
Zachary definitely has Cerebral Palsy Diplegia - in the mild form, the most likely course in his case was his premature birth. Even though I kinda knew this was coming it was still a little
emotional to hear out of the mouth of a specialist. To say I felt shattered is an understatement.
I wanted to cry. Thankfully
Dr Rosier was wonderful and explained the long term effects and how we will go ahead with treatment.
Zachary will undergo a
MRI. This will show the problem areas and give us a better insight things.
Our next step and Physio Therapy to try and get his lower limbs more mobile and to try and loosen and lengthen his muscles that are the major cause of the problems at the moment. We have also been referred to
Dr Kevin Lowe in Sydney. He is specialist in the use of
Botox in CP children and he will get assessed to see if he is a candidate for
Botox. Since he is only
one of two doctors that specialise in this in Australia it could take a while to get in to see him unfortunately.
Today we have a 1pm appointment with
Monaro Early Intervention to work out a treatment plan. This means running
Mitchell to
Pre-School, rushing back to get the twins down for a sleep so they can get in at least 1 & 1/2 hours before heading off to the appointment. We really don't want two extremely tired babies while we are there.
Anna's assessment went considerably easier.
She is on target for corrected age. We had them both weighed and measured.
Zachary is 10.55kg and 78cm long. He has an average head of 47.6cm.
All with in normal range.
Anna is 10.50kg and is also 78cm long. She does how ever
'have a HUGE noggin' as the doctor put it measuring 49.5cm! For her that is off the chart considerably!
Extremely smart - YES...
hehehe. I was just thinking the other day that her head looked huge!
Anna most likely has
Exotropia. We have to see a
Opthamoloigist to get a few more tests done and see what this means long term for her. Other than that all was well. Thankfully.
I will come back and update you after we get more answers regarding both
Zachary and
Anna. Other things we did while we were away....
mostly shopping. I made the most of being in Canberra and went to the new
DFO. I didn't really buy much there just a few small stocking
stuffer's from the bookshop (coloured pencils, etc). I also got
Ashlee a new pair of shoes as a bit of a surprise. We then headed off to
Spotlight to indulge in some of there specials. I picked up
some cute and floral material (come back later for
piccies!). I need to get a few things made for the kids for
Christmas (And something for me of course). With the weather warming up they are all in need of T-shirts, shorts, skirts, etc. Went off to Medicare to claim back (
mind you less then half!) some money from our
Paed appointment. Had a look around Target and
Mum grabbed some new bather for
Ashlee as she has school swimming coming up soon.
I also met up with a old friend,
Dianne, from high school that I haven't seen since
Ashlee was 6 months old! She is married now and has two kids of her own and it was great to see her again. I also caught up with my
Auntie Jane that has never meet the twins. It was great to see her again.
We also had dinner with my brother Daniel and his wife Melissa. I love catching up with them,
we always have a great laugh, and briefly caught a glimpse of brother
Matthew who arrived home just before I was about to leave. (He is nearly 30 but still lives with my Mum, doesn't give me much hope ...
Better head off now and get
Mitchell to
Pre-School, then come home and get into some house work. Coming home from being away
seems to make a lot of mess. Mostly it is just yet to be unpacked suitcases etc but last night I was just so zonked I headed to bed with out doing much at all.
Today I pay for that! Please pray for my darling boy, that all turns out well.
Thank you xx